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1.1 Tap作为动词的含义

Tap作为动词,最基本的含义是“轻敲”,例如:He tapped on the table to get the waiter's attention.(他轻轻地敲了敲桌子,以引起服务员的注意。)

1.2 Tap作为名词的含义

Tap作为名词,最基本的含义是“龙头”,例如:He turned off the tap and the water stopped flowing.(他关掉了水龙头,水就停止流动了。)


2.1 Tap beer的含义

Tap beer是指从酒桶中直接取出的啤酒,与瓶装啤酒不同。例如:I prefer tap beer to bottled beer.(我更喜欢龙头啤酒,而不是瓶装啤酒。)

2.2 Tap water的含义

Tap water是指自来水,与瓶装水不同。例如:I always drink tap water at home.(我在家里总是喝自来水。)


3.1 Tap dance的含义

Tap dance是指一种使用鞋底敲击地板的舞蹈,以产生节奏感。例如:She is a professional tap dancer and has won many awards.(她是一名专业的踢踏舞者,已经赢得了许多奖项。)

3.2 Tap on the shoulder的含义

Tap on the shoulder是指轻拍肩膀,以示关注或提醒。例如:He tapped me on the shoulder and whispered in my ear.(他拍了拍我的肩膀,轻声说了几句。)


4.1 Tap键的含义

Tap键是指电脑键盘上的一个键,用于在文本中插入光标。例如:Press the tap key to move the cursor to the next line.(按下tap键,将光标移动到下一行。)

4.2 Tap to pay的含义

Tap to pay是指使用手机或信用卡等设备进行无接触支付。例如:You can tap to pay for your coffee at this café.(你可以在这家咖啡馆使用tap支付你的咖啡。)


5.1 Tap out的含义

Tap out是指在某个战斗或比赛中认输,例如:He had to tap out when his opponent put him in a chokehold.(当他的对手使他陷入窒息状态时,他不得不认输。)

5.2 Tap的计时含义

Tap也可以用于计时,例如:The coach told them to tap their feet for 30 seconds.(教练让他们用脚轻敲地面30秒钟。)


6.1 Tap dance movie的含义

Tap dance movie是指一种以踢踏舞为主题的电影,尊龙人生就是博例如:"Tap" is a classic tap dance movie starring Gregory Hines.(《Tap》是一部由格雷戈里·海恩斯主演的经典踢踏舞电影。)

6.2 Tap on the shoulder in movies的含义

Tap on the shoulder也经常出现在电影中,例如:In the movie "The Godfather", Michael Corleone taps his brother Fredo on the shoulder before shooting him.(在电影《教父》中,迈克尔·科莱昂在开枪前拍了拍他的弟弟弗雷多的肩膀。)


7.1 Tap into的含义

Tap into是指利用某种资源或知识,例如:She tapped into her network to find a job.(她利用自己的人脉关系找到了一份工作。)

7.2 Tap on the resources的含义

Tap也可以用于表示利用某种资源,例如:The company tapped on the resources of its partners to complete the project.(公司利用其合作伙伴的资源完成了这个项目。)


8.1 Tapas的含义

Tapas是指一种西班牙小吃,通常与酒搭配食用。例如:We enjoyed some delicious tapas at the bar last night.(昨晚我们在酒吧里享用了一些美味的tapas。)

8.2 Taproom的含义

Taproom是指一家酒吧或酿酒厂的品酒室,例如:We visited the taproom of a local brewery and tasted some great beers.(我们参观了当地一家酿酒厂的品酒室,品尝了一些很棒的啤酒。)


9.1 Tap card的含义

Tap card是指一种公共交通卡,例如:You can use your tap card to pay for the bus or subway.(你可以使用你的tap卡支付公共汽车或地铁的费用。)

9.2 Tap and go的含义

Tap and go是指使用信用卡或手机进行无接触支付,例如:I always use tap and go to pay for my train ticket.(我总是使用tap and go支付我的火车票。)


10.1 Tap and die的含义

Tap and die是指制作螺纹的工具,例如:He used a tap and die to make the threads on the bolt.(他使用了一个螺纹丝锥来制作螺栓上的螺纹。)

10.2 Tap drill的含义

Tap drill是指在制作螺纹之前需要进行的预钻孔,例如:He used a tap drill to make the holes for the screws.(他使用了一个螺纹钻来钻孔,以便安装螺丝。)


11.1 Tapas bar的含义

Tapas bar是指一家专门提供tapas的酒吧,例如:We went to a tapas bar and tried a variety of small dishes.(我们去了一家tapas酒吧,尝试了各种小菜。)

11.2 Taproom的含义

Taproom也可以用于指一家酿酒厂的品酒室,例如:The taproom at this brewery is always packed on weekends.(这家酿酒厂的品酒室在周末总是爆满。)


12.1 Tap game的含义

Tap game是指一种需要玩家不断轻敲屏幕的游戏,例如:"Flappy Bird" is a popular tap game that requires quick reflexes.(《Flappy Bird》是一款需要快速反应的流行tap游戏。)

12.2 Tap and swipe的含义

Tap and swipe是指在手机或平板电脑上进行的一种操作,需要轻敲和滑动屏幕,例如:You can tap and swipe to navigate through the app.(你可以轻敲和滑动屏幕来浏览应用程序。)


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